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Book Review: As-Sunnatu Qabl at-Tadwīn

Book Review: As-Sunnatu Qabl at-Tadwīn

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بسم الله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده

ʿĀlimah Siddiqa al-Fārsiyyah
Student, Takhassus Fil Hadith
Checked and Approved:
Mufti Ismail Moosa

Title: As-Sunnatu Qablat Tadwīn

Genre: Ḥadīth

Language: Arabic

Author: Muḥammad ‘Ajāj Al-Khaṭīb

Publisher: Maktabah Wahbah

Pages: Approx. 500

Outline of the book

As-Sunnatu Qablat Tadwīn is a book authored by Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Ajāj Al-Khaṭīb (may Allāh preserve him) in which he discusses:

  • The definition of the word Sunnah and how it was preserved and spread in the time of the Prophet ﷺ, the Ṣahābah and Tabi‘ūn (may Allāh be pleased with them).
  • How closely the Ṣahābah (may Allah be pleased with them) followed the Prophet ﷺ and how they transmitted the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ with much care and accuracy.
  • The Encouragement of the Prophet ﷺ upon Seeking Knowledge and the travels of early scholars in pursuit of Ḥadīth
  • The history, motives and indicators of fabricated narrations
  • A brief history on the compilation of Ḥadīth
  • The main transmitters of Ḥadīth from the Ṣahābah and Tabi‘ūn

Below is a synopsis of the first and third point:

Definition of sunnah

The definition of the word Sunnah varies according to different groups of scholars. The Muhaddithūn define it as: “Everything that has been transmitted to us from the Prophet ﷺ from his statements, actions, tacit approvals, characteristics or Sīrah, whether it was before his prophethood, or after. For example, his worship in the cave of Hirā’.”

The Usūliyyūn define Sunnah as: “Everything that has been transmitted to us from the Prophet ﷺ from his statements, actions, tacit approvals that can be used as evidence for Islamic rulings.”

The Fuqahā’ define Sunnah as: “Everything that has been transmitted to us from the Prophet ﷺ which is not Fardh (incumbent) of Wājib (necessary). Thus, it is the followed path of the religion.”

Definition of al-Ḥadīth al-Qudsī

A Ḥadīth whose contents the Prophet ﷺ attributes to Allāh Ta‘ālā is known as Al-Ḥadīth Al-Qudsī or Al-Ḥadīth Al-Ilāhī. The author mentions that there are more than one hundred of such Ḥadīth. It is known as Al-Ḥadīth Al-Qudsī because ‘Al-Quds’ refers to the purity and supremacy of Allāh Ta‘ālā. As such, it refers to that Ḥadīth which is stated by Allāh Ta‘ālā, but phrased by the Prophet ﷺ. The difference between Al-Ḥadīth Al-Qudsī and all other Ahadīth is that whilst the former is the statement of Allāh worded by the Prophet ﷺ, the the latter are both the statements and words of the Prophet ﷺ. Moreover, the Qur’ān is different from both of these in that it contains the verbatim words of Allāh Ta‘ālā.

The encouragement of the Prophet ﷺ upon seeking knowledge

Whilst encouraging the seeking of knowledge, the Prophet ﷺ has said: “When Allāh wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Dīn.” [Saḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī]

He ﷺ has also said: “One Faqīh (learned scholar) is more powerful over Shayṭān than one thousand worshippers.” [Sunan Ibn Mājah]

He ﷺ has also said: “You will find people like those of mine, the good amongst you in the Days of Ignorance would be good amongst you in the days of Islām, provided they have an understanding (of Dīn).” [Saḥīḥ Muslim]

He ﷺ has also said: “Envy is permitted only in two cases: A man whom Allāh gives wealth, and he disposes of it rightfully, and a man to whom Allāh gives knowledge which he applies and teaches it.” [Al-Bukhārī and Muslim]

He ﷺ has also said: “Become a scholar, a student of knowledge, a listener (of knowledge), or one that loves (knowledge and scholars), but do not be the fifth, because you will be destroyed.” [Musnad Imām Ahmad]

Commentary: ‘The fifth’ in the above Ḥadīth refers to someone who dislikes the knowledge of Dīn and its scholars. He does not sit in their company nor assists them. The Prophet ﷺ warns us that disliking the knowledge and scholars of Dīn will lead to a person’s ultimate destruction. The reason for this is clear: such a person will end up distancing themselves from the company of those who propagate the laws of Allāh and the teachings of the Prophet of Allāh ﷺ thus leading them far away from the path to Paradise. This warning also serves as an encouragement to somehow always keep oneself connected to the knowledge of Dīn and its people, as this will draw Allāh’s mercy and blessings.

He ﷺ has also said: “Seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim.” [Sunan Ibn Mājah]

Commentary: The statement of the Prophet ﷺ makes it clear that it is a duty upon every Muslim to seek knowledge i.e. Fardh al-‘Ayn (legal obligation that must be performed by every individual Muslim). This refers to the knowledge that one requires in order to fulfill the obligations due upon them. For all other sciences, the obligation is Fardh al-Kifāyah (legal obligation that must be discharged by the Muslim community as a whole). The community is required to appoint someone to fulfill that obligation. Otherwise, the whole community becomes sinful.

Overall, As-Sunnatu Qablat Tadwīn is a great book for students of Ḥadīth because it not only includes words of encouragement and tips on effective learning, but also numerous chapters on various terminologies of Ḥadīth, the history of Ḥadīth, and biographies of the main transmitters of Ḥadīth.

Access the full book here.