
What Will You Learn?
- Being a link in ensuring that only acceptable narrations are attributed to the Prophet (ﷺ).
- Building the ability to research and verify narrations quoted in pamphlets, books, lectures, social media etc.
- Fulfilling the Farḍ al-Kifāyah of learning this branch of knowledge.
Course Content
Prelude Lessons
Introductory lessons before the official commencement of the book to help gain an understanding of the subject, the author, the book, and the motives for our studies.
Topics include:
- Importance and virtues of studying this field
- Etiquettes to observe to attain maximum benefit, insha'Allah.
- Ijazah
- Biography of the author with an analysis of factors within him that contributed to his success.
24:20 -
Course Overview
00:00 -
Important Etiquettes and Ijāzah
00:00 -
The Author
34:51 -
Purpose of Studying this Subject
28:11 -
Overview of the Book and its Prints
35:30 -
Audio lesson: Factors that Contributed to his Success
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.
قال الشيخ العلامة الرحلة شيخ الإسلام علم الأعلام شهاب الدين أبو الفضل أحمد بن علي بن محمد العسقلاني الشهير بابن حجر، الشافعي، فسح الله في مدته، وأعاد على المسلمين من بركته:
الحمد لله الذي لم يزل عالما قديرا، حيا قيوما سميعا بصيرا، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأكبره تكبيرا، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد الذي أرسله إلى الناس كافة بشيرا ونذيرا وعلى آل محمد وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا.
Lesson 1: Beginning with Bismillāh
34:21 -
Starting with the Praises of Allāh ﷻ
Salutations Upon the Prophet ﷺ, His Family and Companions
Books on Ulūm al-Ḥadīth before Ibn Ḥajar’s
أما بعد: فإن التصانيف في اصطلاح أهل الحديث، قد كثرت للأئمة في القديم والحديث. فمن أول من صنف في ذلك
1- القاضي أبو محمد الرامهرمزي في كتابه: المحدث الفاصل ، لكنه لم يستوعب
Discussion on Ammā Baʿd
Lesson 2: Prior Literature on ʿUlūm al-Ḥadīth
31:39 -
Lesson 3: Qāḍī Abū Muḥammad ar-Rāmahurmuzī
24:19 -
Imām Ḥākim Abū Bakr an-Nīshāpūrī
Abū Nuʿ aym Iṣfahānī
Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī
Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ ibn Mūsa ibn ʿIyāḍ as-Sibtī
Lesson 4: ʿUmar ibn ʿAbd al-Majīd Mayyānishī
29:02 -
More Suitable Mentions
Lesson 5: ʿAllāmah Ibn aṣ-Ṣalāḥ
Reasons Behind the Compilation
Lesson 6: Overview of his Objective
Khabar and Ḥadīth
فأقول طالبا من الله التوفيق فيما هنالك:
الخبر – عند علماء هذا الفن:
1- مرادف للحديث.
2- وقيل: الحديث: ما جاء عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، والخبر: ما جاء عن غيره، ومن ثمة قيل لمن يشتغل بالتواريخ وما شاكلها: الإخباري، ولمن يشتغل بالسنة النبوية: المحدث.
3- وقيل: بينهما عموم وخصوص مطلق: فكل حديث خبر، من غير عكس، وعبر هنا بـالخبر ليكون أشمل.
Lesson 7: Literal, Technical Meanings and Comparisons
34:26 -
The Text
Isnād and Sanad
فهو باعتبار وصوله إلينا:إما أن يكون له طرق، أي أسانيد كثيرة-لأن طرقا جمع طريق، وفعيل في الكثرة يجمع على فعل بضمتين، وفي القلة على أفعل- والمراد بالطرق الأسانيد. والإسناد: حكاية طريق المتن.
Lesson 8: Linguistic Discussion
42:49 -
Isnād- Literal and Technical Meaning
وتلك الكثرة أحد شروط التواتر، إذا وردت – بلا حصر عدد معين، بل تكون العادة قد أحالت تواطؤهم على الكذب، وكذا وقوعه منهم اتفاقا من غير قصد. فلا معنى لتعيين العدد على الصحيح.
Lesson 9: Literal Meaning
37:46 -
Lesson 10: The First Two Conditions
31:15 -
Lesson 11: Remainder of the Conditions
30:06 -
Lesson 12: Tawātur as Defined by Scholars
33:09 -
Lesson 13: Mashhūr Narrations
28:04 -
Lesson 14: Knowledge Derived from Mutawātir
33:43 -
Lesson 15: Opinions of the Ḥanafīs- Categories of Tawātur
31:33 -
Lesson 16: ʿAllāmah Ibn Aṣ-Ṣalāḥ’s View on Mutawātir Narrations
Lesson 17: Mashhūr
40:10 -
Lesson 18: Mustafīḍ and Books on Fabricated Aḥādīth
42:47 -
Lesson 19: Mashhūr According to the Ḥanafīs
Lesson 20: ʿAzīz
54:38 -
Lesson 21: Statement of Ibn al-ʿArabī
46:20 -
Lesson 22: Statement of Ibn Ḥibbān and Example of ʿAzīz
Lesson 23: Gharīb
Lesson 24: Division of Āḥād
32:23 -
Lesson 25: Knowledge Obtained from Āḥād
39:51 -
Lesson 26: External Factors Considered for Khabr al-Wāḥid
40:03 -
Lesson 27: Second and Third External Factors
31:36 -
Lesson 28: Elaborating on the Example of the Third External Factor
Al-Fard al-Muṭlaq
Lesson 29: Al-Fard al-Muṭlaq
30:24 -
Lesson 30: Examples of Al-Fard al-Muṭlaq
Al-Fard an-Nisbī
Lesson 31: Al-Fard an-Nisbī
Accepted Narrations
Lesson 32: Division of Accepted Narrations
31:21 -
Lesson 33: Explanation of Taqwā and Murūʾah
33:00 -
Lesson 34: Ḍabṭ (Retention)
40:02 -
Lesson 35: The Continuous Chain (Muttaṣil)
28:30 -
Lesson 36: Fifth Condition of Ṣaḥīḥ
41:49 -
Lesson 37: The Most Authentic of Chains
32:18 -
Lesson 38: Remaining Examples of The Most Authentic Narrations
29:58 -
Lesson 39: The Second and Third Category of Ṣaḥīḥ
31:35 -
Lesson 40: Conclusion on the Categories of Ṣaḥīḥ
At-Taqsīm as-Sabʿī
Lesson 41: At-Taqsīm as-Sabʿī
32:34 -
Lesson 42: Precedence of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī over Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim
36:58 -
Lesson 43: The Preference of Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim Over Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī
39:10 -
Lesson 44: Continuation of Comparison Between Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim
42:42 -
Lesson 45: Final Condition Wherein Imām Bukhārī Exceeds
31:37 -
Lesson 46: Termination of Taqsīm as-Sabʿī
Ḥasan and Ṣaḥīḥ
Lesson 47: Ḥasan li Dhātihi
30:50 -
Lesson 48: Status of Ḥasan
31:01 -
Lesson 49: Ṣaḥīḥ li Ghayrihi
31:50 -
Lesson 50: A Narration Being Graded as Ḥasan and Ṣaḥīḥ
31:02 -
Lesson 51: Continuation on Discussion of the Grading Ḥasan Ṣaḥīḥ
Ziyādat ath-Thiqāt
Lesson 52: Ziyādat ath-Thiqāt
00:00 -
Lesson 53: View of Imām Shāfiʿī
Lesson 54: Shādh
35:29 -
Lesson 55: Continuation of Shādh
Lesson 56: Munkar
Lesson 57: Mutābaʿāt
31:28 -
Lesson 58: Example of Mutābaʿah
Lesson 59: Shāhid
Lesson 60: Iʿtibār
Contradictory Reports
Lesson 61: Contradictory Reports
31:57 -
Lesson 62: Explanation of Apparent Contradictions
00:00 -
Lesson 63: Abrogation
30:47 -
Lesson 64: Detecting Naskh
00:00 -
Lesson 65: Giving Preference
31:28 -
Lesson 66: Ḥanafī Approach to Contradictory Narrations
Mardūd and Muʿallaq
Lesson 67: Mardūd and Muʿallaq
26:54 -
Lesson 68: Types of Muʿallaq
Lesson 69: Mursal
31:27 -
Lesson 70: Views on Mursal
29:31 -
Lesson 71: Shāfiʿī View on Mursal
Missing Link Being Apparent
Lesson 72: Missing Link Being Apparent
Lesson 73: Tadlīs
31:27 -
Lesson 74: Al-Mursal al-Khafī
33:52 -
Lesson 75: Method of Determining Whether Two Contemporaries Met
Ten Factors that Impact the Integrity of a Narrator
Lesson 76: Ten Factors that Impact the Integrity of a Narrator
34:00 -
Lesson 77: Mawḍūʿ
30:32 -
Lesson 78: Method of Detecting a Fabrication
36:19 -
Lesson 79: Origin of Fabrications
34:52 -
Lesson 80: Ruling of Fabricating
00:00 -
Lesson 81: Quoting a Fabrication
30:36 -
Lesson 82: Matrūk
30:24 -
Lesson 83: Munkar, Excessive Sins, Being Negligent or Sinful
33:04 -
Lesson 84: Muʿallal
00:00 -
Lesson 85: Continuation on Muʿallal
32:55 -
Lesson 86: Mudraj
29:57 -
Lesson 87: Mudraj al-Matn
30:15 -
Lesson 88: Termination of Mudraj al-Matn
31:41 -
Lesson 89: Maqlūb
31:34 -
Lesson 90: Al-Mazīd fī Muṭṭaṣil al-Asānīd
19:50 -
Lesson 91: Muḍṭarib
32:25 -
Lesson 92: Termination of Iḍṭirāb
32:41 -
Lesson 93: Muṣaḥḥaf and Muḥarraf
33:14 -
Lesson 94: Summarising a Narration
31:35 -
Lesson 95: Paraphrasing a Narration
30:31 -
Lesson 96: Narrating the Meaning of a Narration
36:23 -
Lesson 97: Gharīb al-Ḥadīth
30:11 -
Lesson 98: Books on Gharīb al-Ḥadīth
31:04 -
Lesson 99: Unknown Narrators
31:04 -
Lesson 100: Second Reason for Being Unknown
34:17 -
Lesson 101: Taʿdīl alā ‘l-Ibhām
31:41 -
Lesson 102: Majhūl al-ʿAyn and Majhūl al-Ḥāl
33:00 -
Lesson 103: Narrating from an Innovator
00:00 -
Lesson 104: Bidʿah of Lesser Severity
30:05 -
Lesson 105: Preferred View on Narrating from a Mild Innovator
30:30 -
Lesson 106: Weak Memory
Ḥasan li Ghayrihi
Lesson 107: Ḥasan li Ghayrihi
Definition of Isnād, Matn and Marfūʿ
Lesson 108: Definition of Isnād, Matn and Marfūʿ
35:01 -
Lesson 109: Implicit Actions and Approvals Attributed to the Prophet ﷺ
32:10 -
Lesson 110: Ambiguous Wording Attributing Narrations to the Prophet ﷺ
The Words ‘Min as-Sunnah’
Lesson 111: The Words ‘Min as-Sunnah’
29:36 -
Lesson 112: Continuation of the Words ‘Min as-Sunnah’
32:30 -
Lesson 113: Various Words Used to Refer to Marfūʿ
Definition of a Ṣaḥābī
Lesson 114: Definition of a Ṣaḥābī
29:48 -
Lesson 115: Explanation on the Definition of a Ṣaḥābī
30:20 -
Lesson 116: Termination on Explanation of the Definition of a Ṣaḥābī
30:16 -
Lesson 117: Ranks of Ṣaḥābah and Method of Recognition of a Ṣaḥābī
Definition of a Tābiʿī
Lesson 118: Definition of a Tābiʿī
27:46 -
Lesson 119: Mukhaḍramīn
Terms for the Three Categories
Lesson 120: Terms for the Three Categories
Lesson 121: Musnad
ʿĀlī and Nāzil
Lesson 122: ʿĀlī and Nāzil
31:06 -
Lesson 123: Four Types of ʿUluw an-Nisbī
Narrating from an Equal
Lesson 124: Narrating from an Equal
Seniors Narrating from Juniors
Lesson 125: Seniors Narrating from Juniors
Sābiq wa ‘l-Lāḥiq
Lesson 126: Sābiq wa ‘l-Lāḥiq
Teacher Refutation
Lesson 127: Teacher Denying a Narration
01:00:30 -
Lesson 128: Teacher Doubtful of his Narration
Lesson 129: Musalsal
01:02:48 -
Lesson 130: Termination of Musalsal
Modes of Transmission
Lesson 131: Words of Adāʾ
55:22 -
Lesson 132: Explanation of the Words of Adāʾ
00:00 -
Lesson 133: Reciting to a Shaykh
34:58 -
Lesson 134: ʿAnʿanah
01:01:32 -
Lesson 135: Ijāzāt – When Permission is Necessary
00:00 -
Lesson 136: Ijāzāt- Discussion on Namesakes
Books on Similarities in Names of Narrators
Lesson 137: Books on Similarities in Names of Narrators
Khātimah- Conclusion
Khātimah- Conclusion
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