Course Content
Prelude lesson
About the Author
Introduction and Opening Words
Ḥadīth 1
Ḥadīth 2
Ḥadīth 3
Ḥadīth 4
Ḥadīth 5
Student Ratings & Reviews
Sitting in the blessed dars of Hadeeth -Shamaail Muhammadiyyah SalaALLAHualayhiwasalam specifially, you will come to find the description of Habeeb SalaALLAHualayhiwasalam to be beyond what you have ever thought of or imagined. The lessons truly captivates you as you try your utmost best to capture the descriptions of our beloved Prophet SalaALLAHualayhiwasalam in your mind whilst Respected Mufti explains to the best of his ability. You don't need to be a graduate in order to sit in certain lessons and the lesson will not end except that you have learnt tremendously. Study as much as you can even if it means canceling all other plans which would not benefit you in the Aakhirah.
Al-ḥamdulillāh enrolling in the Shamā'il al-Tirmidhī course, taught by respected Mufti Saheb has been one of the most enriching and transformative experiences of my journey in seeking knowledge. The course beautifully combines narrations and detailed commentaries with practical reflections, making it more than just an academic pursuit—it is a spiritual journey. Respected Mufti Saheb's passion for the subject is evident in every session, and his sincere love for the Prophet ﷺ shines through in the way he explains the beautiful qualities of our beloved Prophet (saw). His teaching style makes the content easy to understand and also instills a deep emotional connection to the Prophet (saw). The vivid explanations, coupled with heartfelt interpretations, make every session immersive and transformative. It is truly a blessing to be chosen by Allah (swt) to participate in this blessed course.
May Allah (swt) bless our respected Mufti Saheb and the entire team of Ulūm al-Ḥadīth for their unwavering commitments and meaningful contributions. Āmīn
May Allah (swt) bless our respected Mufti Saheb and the entire team of Ulūm al-Ḥadīth for their unwavering commitments and meaningful contributions. Āmīn
i have been really enjoying the course so far, learning alot of new things and at the same time refreshing the things we learned at madressa
I think every aalim should do this as it refreshes the memory, and if a non aalim does it, it would inspire love to know about nabi sallal laahu alayhi wa salam
I think every aalim should do this as it refreshes the memory, and if a non aalim does it, it would inspire love to know about nabi sallal laahu alayhi wa salam
This is a class essential for all believers. Whether an academic or a layperson. One lesson and one description is sufficient for Barakah and increase in love of the Prophet ﷺ.
Alhamdulillah I found the lectures very very beneficial, due to Barakah of these lectures I find my heart very light as if a burden is removing from my heart and my chest is expanding.
Alhamdulillāh, this beautiful course provided us with the opportunity to revisit the blessed narrations of Shamāil and re-kindled love for Rasulullāh Salallāhu alayhi wa sallam within our hearts. It ignited in us the burning desire to send more durūd and follow/practice on more sunnah with added consciousness and flavour. It inspired us to lead and live pure, sin free lives if we wanted to gain closeness to the Prophet Salallāhu alayhi wa sallam. Studying this precious book under such a pious scholar made it all the more better. Each session was an inspiration to work harder towards our goal - to gain the companionship of Rasulullāh Salallāhu alayhi wa sallam in Jannah. May Allāh Ta'ala accept from Mufti Sahib and us. Aameen.
Absolutely amazing. Takes me back to student days. After graduation, many of us go into teaching, but feel it’s equally or even more important to continue studying. Really enjoyed it. May Allāh swt grant us love for Rasūlullāhﷺ and grant us tawfīq to emulate him.
This class has given me a different view into the clear image of Rasulallah (saw) and has given me the ability to make an intention of staying away from sin and also the pleasure In reciting durood daily.
All the classes with mufti saheb are worth attending.
All the classes with mufti saheb are worth attending.
Nothing better than to study the Shamail, coupled with a most amazing teacher.
Best possible way to spend our short lives, in the company of Nabi صلي الله عليه و سلم and the pious. Mufti Saheb lessons are filled with immense spirituality and detail, creating in us the desire to love and follow every sunnah of Nabi صلي الله عليه و سلم so that one day we can truly be in the company of Nabi صلي الله عليه و سلم and the pious.
Best possible way to spend our short lives, in the company of Nabi صلي الله عليه و سلم and the pious. Mufti Saheb lessons are filled with immense spirituality and detail, creating in us the desire to love and follow every sunnah of Nabi صلي الله عليه و سلم so that one day we can truly be in the company of Nabi صلي الله عليه و سلم and the pious.
recently took a course on Shamā'il and found it deeply insightful.It was truly enlightening to learn about His noble features, described with such love and detail. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to deepen their connection with the Prophet ﷺ.
MashaAllah, Mufti Sahib's lessons are truly exceptional. They provide a refreshing spiritual boost, uplifting our hearts and awakening our souls, inspiring us to rectify and reform our character, behavior, and attitude to better reflect the example of our beloved Prophet ﷺ.
Alhamdulillah, this course has allowed me to understand the shamail of Rasulullah (SAW) on a deeper and more intricate level. I learned and benefited very much from this course. Hazarat Mufti Ismail Moosa Saheb has made this course very easy to comprehend and understand. I would recommend this course to others to partake and benefit from Hazarat Mufti Ismail Moosa Saheb and the qualities, traits, and characteristics of Rasulullah (SAW).
In an age that people are so informed of every detail of other people's lives,which brings no benefit.. this is an ideal opportunity for us to learn the details of the most Beloved of all Creation صلي الله عليه وسلم ..n reap the benefits of love n attachment with following the sunnah n ultimately the love n forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. May AllahSwt grant us the opportunity to complete the full course n tawfeeq to practice.Jzkl khair for giving us this opportunity.
Alhumdulillah I got the opportunity to study this course and it was an amazing experience. The schedule suited working women like me and provided information that would have been difficult to study on our own. JazakumUllahu Khaira to Ustad Jee and to the entire team who are working so that we can easily study and understand ahadith-e-mubaraka.
The Shamail takes you on a journey of knowing and loving the most beloved of Allah, RasoolAllahi ﷺ. Learning it from Mufti Ismael Moosa حفظه الله has been one of the most spiritually uplifting experiences of mine Alhumdulillah. MuftiSab makes it easy to understand yet delivers to his students the depth of The Shamail. If I could invite every human individually to experience this surreal learning experience, I would most definitely do it.
This course which covers Shamāʾil, taught by Mufti Ismail Moosa is extremely beneficial. Lessons are easy to understand, short in length and convenient as we have the luxury of learning this beautiful kitaab from the comfort of our homes. These lessons fill our heart with the noor of Nabi ﷺ, it fills our hearts with love for sunnah and it is as if we are sitting in front of Nabi ﷺ when hearing about his Mubaarak qualities. Excellent course and well taught. Alhamdulillah.
A concise study of shamail ﷺ that made us love our beloved Nabi ﷺ more and give us a thorough understanding of the ahadiths and the blessed characteristics of him ﷺ, teaching method was simple yet informative that as intermediate in my studies i too understand it very easily and the notes provided were very helpful for recalling, mufti sahab made the subject at hand very ease for us students and his zeal and love for Rasullulah ﷺ was evident in his lessons.
Studying the detailed descriptions of the moral, physical and spiritual qualities of the Nabi ﷺ. The perfections that Allah bestowed upon Nabi ﷺ encompass every aspect of his blessed being: his outward physical form, his senses, his internal form and his inner beauty. Nabi ﷺ is the most perfect embodiment of created beauty and form, and he is unsurpassed in his perfections.
Mufti Ismail Moosa is truly amazing and well learned. The level of explaining, thought and care is inspiring. Subhanallah.
Mufti Ismail Moosa is truly amazing and well learned. The level of explaining, thought and care is inspiring. Subhanallah.
I have found the Shamail course so far to be extremely detailed, inspiring and beneficial, I have learnt more about our Beloved Nabī ﷺ, despite having studied the Shamail with a teacher before, Respected Mufti Saheb explains in great detail and explains difficult concepts in a way that almost anyone could understand, His own love for the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ also shines through in the lessons, conveying all this to us, highly recommend to anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge and love for the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ in sha ALLAH, may ALLAH accept and take ʿUlūm al Ḥadīth from strength to strength, aameen.
جزاك الله خيرا كثيراً وَاَحْسَن الجَزَاء في الدارين
To Mufti and his admin team